See my educational projects on coding, music, robotics and more
Piano Recording Animation
I have developed a python program which generates a video with an animation matching an input piano recording. I have been recording solo piano songs and tested a variety of animation styles. All the videos with audio have been uploaded to the youtube channel below. For more details on the project, see the main Github page below.
Tic-Tac-Toe Game
I am developing a Tic-Tac-Toe game. I have made a backend version in python to learn how to use user input and have different computer responces. I will make a frontent version to learn different way of displaying the data and processes. I will translate the python backend version to c++ to learn to use that language. Lastly, I will use the c++ code along with an Arduino to have the Tic-Tac-Toe game react to physical changes to a circuit and display computer responce with LEDs. For more detail on the project, see the main Github page below.
Boids Simulation
Python simulation of flock behaviors, i.e. Boids, with focus on graphical user interface and visuals using pygame. Learning objectives where focused on real time computation for simulation, pygame and GUI use for education purpose. For more details on the project, see the main Github page below.